Society & Culture13 mins ago
Illegal Or Unlawful
what's the difference between illegal and unlawful?
Was talking to a friend about tv license's and he said that not having one was unlawful but not illegal.
What's the difference?
Was talking to a friend about tv license's and he said that not having one was unlawful but not illegal.
What's the difference?
//For all practical purposes, they are synonyms. Various sources describe possible minor differences, such as that illegal acts are criminal acts, whereas unlawful acts may be contrary to some non-criminal law, like tort law or contract law; however, if you check actual usage, I doubt whether you will find much of a pattern in that regard. The Oxford English Dictionary gives one as a synonym of the other. Unlawful obviously comes from un- and law; illegal comes from Latin in- (which means "un-") and lex ("law"). I believe unlawful is mostly just a more formal or technical synonym. Usage may very well vary in different countries, since each country has its own legal system, even though Anglo-Saxon systems are often much alike.//
http:// english .stacke xchange .com/qu estions /14436/ what-is -the-di fferenc e-betwe en-ille gal-and -unlawf ul
OK, thanks guys.
BUT.... without wanting to get in to the rights and wrongs of having, or not having, a tv license, I havnt had one for years. IF it was a criminal offence (and therefore illegal) why havnt I been prosecuted? Ive had the tv license people at my door and ive turned them away, theyve threatened me with allsorts but have never returned with a police officer to arrest me?
BUT.... without wanting to get in to the rights and wrongs of having, or not having, a tv license, I havnt had one for years. IF it was a criminal offence (and therefore illegal) why havnt I been prosecuted? Ive had the tv license people at my door and ive turned them away, theyve threatened me with allsorts but have never returned with a police officer to arrest me?