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Noise Levels

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chrisuk013 | 11:29 Tue 19th Jan 2016 | Law
3 Answers
I work on a small'sh bar venue as a door supervisor and of late the dj has been liberty's on how loud he plays his music and this has been noticed by a few police officer friends. He usually plays from 21:30/22:00 until around 02:15am. What I am aiming to find out is the average db's by law he can play his music at? I have access to sound device that can measure this.. thanks in advance


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The information on this site is quite comprehensive.
Well the police may not remain your frenz
but will always remain police officers

excellent URL from grassie and I fail to see why the police are getting involved as it ceased to be a police matter well - before you were born

it must be subjective as that was why glastonbury was born because old farmer eaves wondered if young people needed a place to play muzak

so it will be up to the neighbours
and yes you may find an officer will say o yeah I am one of them !

Your correct course is to say you are a doorman and not a sound knob twiddler
and that you have referred it to your employer
and of course do so
and reflet ruefully that the Plice are never Off Duty
Been waiting for someone to post the decibel level at which action mustbe taken ,so here is a link with decibel levels
80 decibel is the level at which the employer must do an impact study, that is quite low ( I have had to do measurements in a place I worked) I am sure the DJs sound system is way over that !

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