Nursing Homes in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Nursing Homes

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Trillipse | 11:56 Wed 12th Oct 2005 | Body & Soul
4 Answers

my great uncle (lives with his wife) is in his 70s and seems to be in the mid stages of an Alzheimer's type dementia. His wife is finding it increasingly difficult to cope with him at home, as he keeps wandering off and is more and more forgetful and confused.

Can anyone tell me the criteria for admission to emi units/nursing homes? (they don't live near enough for us to help out directly)

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Firstly get in touch with the local council, you need the domicillary care dept, you can telephone for them, tell them your aunt is in need of help, and she is not coping.  They should send someone out, and your aunt will be allocated a social worker, a social worker will have the authourity to help your aunt, and try and get your uncle a placement in a local Residential or Nursing home, I think it may be a nursing home.  Also make sure there doctor is involved, as he will help carry some weight with the local authority.  Nursing homes, will help look after your uncle, taking the strain and stress of your aunt.  EMI units, usually have numbered locks on the doors, that way service users cannot wander off.  It will be down to the social worker, to determine as to which your uncle would benefit from.  Hope this helps, and don't forget to help your aunt, phone calls etc, as of this time she will need backup.  Good luck

A little tip - keep in regular contact with the social worker.(interpret that for pester them if you like!)  They love to put you on the bottom of the pile if you don't keep reminding them that you need help.   As long as your aunt keeps struggling to cope in silence, they will let her carry on.  Unfortunately no one rushes in to help.

I hope she gets the help that she needs & deserves.

Your aunt might like to ask the GP for a referral to a memory clinic. They usually have a link to social care as well and should be able to provide access to people with the right experience to help
there are charity- type companies that help. my mum works for Dementua care trust, and she is like a support worker. she goes to the peoples houses and either like takes them out, give the carers a "relief" for a hour or two. it would really help your uncle!

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