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Disabled Parking Bays

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jw47 | 15:02 Wed 24th Jul 2019 | Law
6 Answers
There a few parking bays marked disabled in our close (probably put in by council) Is there any legality to these bays or just for respect for whoever they were intended for


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They're for the use of anyone with a blue badge.
I thought the latter.
it depends on the council I think. The ones in my parent's road are for a particular person
in this sort of location they would have been painted for a specific user. If that user is no longer using them they can be removed. Someone will have to present a case to the council, in the mean time they are for disabled parkers only.
"Having a disabled parking bay outside your home doesn’t guarantee that space for you or the disabled person in your household."

Just the first one I came to.
"An enforceable disabled parking bay can be identified by a sign situated next to the bay which reads 'disabled badge holders only'."

If there's no sign, anyone can use it.

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Disabled Parking Bays

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