DVD Subtitles... in The AnswerBank: Technology
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DVD Subtitles...

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spaced | 09:53 Tue 09th May 2006 | Technology
7 Answers

got a weird question - borrowed a DVD from a friend who got it from Hong Kong, looks like a pirate...anyway...whatever DVD player or TV I play it on half the subttles go off screen so it is difficult to read. Have trid it on my PC and works fine. Tried it on my widescreen TV, and normal tv and the subtitles get cut off, even thought the film in in widescreen. Even if I adjust the screen they still get cut off. Is there anyway of remedying this? Can I burn the dvd to pc and play about with the subititles? Any one know?? Dont particulary want to sit infront of my pc watching it!


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Hi..you say you've adjusted the aspect ratio's on your telly...have you tryed adjusting the aspect ratio out put on your DVD player?
Oh..it could be that who ever made this DVD made it a wider than stardard aspect ratio. Wider ratios such as 1.85:1 and 2.39:1 are accommodated within the 16:9 DVD frame by adding some additional masking (black "letter box") within the image itself.
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yeah I think you are right, the black parts are bigger than usual. Its very strange that my 15 inch tft screen allows the subtitles to be legible where all my pother tv's cut half of them off. I have trid changing apsect ration on all my dvd players, tv and even tried my PS2 but to no avail. any ideas around getting around this?
Try buying a proper copy rather than a pirate?
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for starters I didnt buy it, i borrowed it. And yes Le Merchand everyone in the uk knows how you feel about pirate dvds. Im am not 100% sure if it is a pirate, it looks genuine, all I know is that this film is not available yet in the uk. It is from Hong Kong. and if you must know the film is for training purposes.
Well if you have a compatable video card on your PC, you can always hook it up to you TV.

I never knew I was that famous! I have instructed my agent to raise my fees ;-).

Seriously, though - give CDWow or YesAsia a try, they do loads of Easterm imports.

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