"It is an offence to alter, rearrange or misrepresent letters or numbers in order to form names or words or in such a way that makes it difficult to read the registration number. Characters must not be moved from one block to the other e.g. AB51 DVL must not be displayed as AB5 1DVL or AB 51DVL. Vehicles with illegally displayed number plates may FAIL the MoT test. The police can also issue fixed penalty fines for illegally displayed number plates. Offenders are liable to a MAXIMUM FINE of �1,000 and in some cases the mark may be withdrawn."
To have a number plate made up you need to go to certain companies that are licensed. They will require a load of documents including your car log book.
They will make the number plate up automatically - there is no choice on where the letters appear.
If you did want to make a name plate stand out, then there are plenty of companies advertising on google who can do this for you.
I've been stopped before with an illegal plate but the police haven't said a word. Depends how obvious it is I guess as well as how sensible you / the policeman are.
yes is illegal but i honestly think you wouldnt get bothered by the police about moving the letters. Aslong as all the rest is legal e.g not manipulating letters or fancy fonts. I know someone with M12 MUC and the bottom of the two goes down at an angle to make the '1' and '2' look like an 'R'. Ive also seen some terrible ones about for ages so obviously the police havent done anything about that. I also had tinted plates with no problem. Just get a 'L3 NJH' set for the MOT!