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harrassment at work

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shuugs | 10:03 Thu 09th Aug 2007 | Law
10 Answers
I have worked at my current place of work for about 5 months now and i like it a lot, about 2 months ago a guy started who is quite nice, friendly etc and we kind of hit it off and would go for drinks at lunch and stuff, recently though he has stated to make comments that I find uncomfortable I am by no means a prude but I just don't find this man attractive when working late the other night he pinched my bum and tried to make a joke out of it but this morning he has made comments to me about oral sex and its starting to me off. What can I do about this.???? TIA Shuugs xxxxxxxxx


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First of all explain to him you dont find it acceptable, if it continues go to the top.
Flip me! Your English has improved overnight Legend.
if you have been friends for a couple of months then surely you are able to tell him that you dont like his comments. Ask him to stop and if he doesnt then go to your boss.
...and tell him that you'll go to your boss if he doesn't stop.
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ive made it clear im not interested xx
I dont understand your post oct
When this happens, what is your reaction?
When you said you were not interested, what did he do and say?
When you say you are not interested, have you said that such talk is unacceptable?
When this happens, have you said that he is being offensive?
When this happens do you giggle and offer unwanted encouragement?
When this happens, is it just you and him or are others present?
When this happens, have you threatened to report him?
When you had said you weren�t interested, did it happen again?
When this happens, report him.
Take him aside into a quiet office and tell him politely but formally that you are telling him for the final time that you are finding his sexual harrassment and comments unacceptable and that he is making your life at work unpleasant. Ask for his assurance that he will cease his behaviour and tell him that although he may not realise it, you are very close to making a formal complaint about it.
He may then get the message and behave, although this will probably result in a cooling of relations between you thereafter. .
Make a written note for yourself of the dates and times the incidents have happened, and of your final discussion with him. And if he doesn't take your last request seriously, report him to your HR Department, who, if they are really professional, will have a formal policy about harrassment and bullying in the workplace..
knee him in the blocks
Wendys answer is right but this sort of problem illustrates the point that people should join a union. Even if your workplace is not unionised you can join a suitable. If you join now they may not help you with something that's already happened (that's like buying house insurance the day after the house burns down) but they might give you some advice.
If your employer does not have a harrassment policy, by law it must grievance and discipliniary procedures so these can be used.
Good luck

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harrassment at work

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