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alliston gar | 16:12 Tue 30th Oct 2007 | Law
3 Answers
is it legal for drivers to reverse on to your driveway?


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It is not illegal in the criminal sense, but it is a civil trespass.
You cannot be prosecuted for trespass.

Only the Police can bring a prosecution charge.

You can only be sued in a civil court for damages arising out of the trespass.

Bit hard to damage grass on a private field though.
Who mentioned prosecution?

Every individual in the country can initiate a private prosecution.

This right exists in common law and is preserved by section 6(1) of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985. The Law Commission reporting in 1998 said "The right of private prosecution is an important element in the rule of law".

However, it probably isn't the way forward in this case.

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