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fire wood

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greencut | 13:29 Sun 08th Feb 2009 | Law
2 Answers
can people walk in the woods and pick up fire wood that has fallen and just roting


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No - the wood (dead or living) belongs to the owner of the land.
In a few places, residents may have foraging rights on local areas of Common Land but it typically applies to owners of specific properties - not to any old bod.
No you can't. BM is right (as usual) but the question gives some of us the chance to use a word and a phrase, from law school, which we never thought we'd use again (Hooray!). 'Estovers' and 'profit a prendre'! 'Estovers' is the taking of wood as firewood and the profit a prendre is the right to take something (usually fruit or fungi) from someone's land, rights which the landowner may grant to someone or which, exceptionally, may have been created by custom going back to time immemorial viz taken to date from pre 1185 (or by Act of Parliament) and which are invariably confined to one category of persons (widows in a village or other like quaintly unusual body of defined individuals!)

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