Over the limit in The AnswerBank: Law
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Over the limit

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lynbrown | 19:08 Mon 02nd Mar 2009 | Law
21 Answers
My husband was stopped at the weekend and was twice the legal limit when breathalised. He has a clean licence and has never been in any trouble before. We live in Scotland. What size of fine can we expect? And will he lose his licence?
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argument, and then, when I stood my ground, started with the personal stuff.

Sadly, there are far too many who use the site to abuse other users, and far too many who don't have a clue about law. The former group are just pathetic. The latter group may be dangerous. For those reasons, I doubt if I'll be back on this board again. It's not worth the effort. Hence I do genuinely feel that there is little to be gained by asking legal questions on Answerbank. Better to see a solicitor, CAB, law centre, or charitable organisation such as Shelter. It might take a bit more effort, but it's a safer bet.

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