Damage to car on private car park in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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Damage to car on private car park

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mimi45 | 11:17 Sat 25th Jul 2009 | Motoring
4 Answers
My car has been damaged by ruts on a private car park poorly maintained by the Parish Council and jointly used by members of the tennis club and users of a Village Hall. The ruts were hidden by pools of water following recent rain. Can I claim on the Parish Council insurance for damage?
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check first, is there a sign up to say that parking there is at your own risk - that's pretty comonplace for private car parks
Hi, even if the owners have a sign to say as Maccluff's answer they have a duty to maintain the car park, If the land / car park is owned by the Parish Council them are the people who deal with the claims, Take photos of the offending pot holes, measure the depth / width, (No I am not joking) Time / date / your damage to your car, the cost of repair, the quote from the repairing garage get all your fact before you put in your claim. I have just been paid out by Network Rail due to a crossing in our local town been in a disgusting state of repair, do not back down fight your case.
It is not only private car parks where you get these potholes. Our roads are a disgrace. You only have to see the roads used by cyclists in the Tour de France to see how roads should be tarmaced. We pay enormous road taxes and get these chip strewn, pot holed surfaces that have been neglected. My suspension was shattered and I hear they are paying more in compensation than repairs to the roads would cost.
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Damage to car on private car park

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