Lost Deeds!
Hi All! i would like to know how i stand, my Mother sadly passed a little while back and i was her carer for many years, so have stayed in the house for many years, and it was mums wish that i should stay here after she was gone. The house is not registared by the land registary, and also i cant find any deeds, they may have been lost or even thrown out years ago, Mum never made a will or had any savings either.
I was going to get mum to make the will to what she was happy with, but my sister said she would get a note from the doctor to say she was not mentally right to make one, mum had told me a few years before about her wish when her mind was good, i know i should of sorted it then, but i never knew then my sister would not appreciated the years of work, time and money i had given up to help Mum.
Today my sister who never helped with the caring at all, but she did come to see her alot to her credit,. But today she demanded me to pay her a substantial amount of money which i cant afford, can she take her share of the house through legal action for the money.
Thanks for any Help!