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US visa

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Luzzly | 18:52 Sat 26th Feb 2011 | Law
7 Answers
Is it possible to obtain a US visa from the UK without visiting the US embassy?


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They normally give you one on the plane (the green visa waiver card).
A visa waiver and a visa are entirely separate things. The former is permission to travel WITHOUT a visa - it isn't in itsself a visa

If you are eligible for a visa waiver then you don't need to go to the Embassy - the green form on the plane is a thing of the past and you must apply online at

If you need a visa and are between the ages of 14 and 79 then you have to go to the Embassy in person. No way round it.
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Thank you dzug. I take it that a 19 year old UK citizen doesn't get a waiver?
A 19 year old UK citizen would get an esta which is basically the visa waiver online.
A 19 year old UK citizen can get a waiver provided they meet the conditions for a waiver - that is - holding return ticket, staying no longer than 90 days, are not going to work, are not a drug addict or alcoholic, have no real criminal record and a few other things.

'criminal record' causes the most problems
some of my family are travelling to the USA later this year and none of them, adults or children had to go to the embassy....all done by application forms
you need to apply for an ESTA which is permission to travel - USA operate a visa waiver system for many european countries- like a visa doesn't guarantee entry -costs £10- five minute form online

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