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I approached our local newspaper with an idea of a series of articles. They have written back to say that they have no money for freelance journalists but if I write it (unpaid) they will give me a...
Seeing her on This Is Your Life for Simon Cowell, her eyes looked weird. Do you reckon she was wearing odd make-up or has had them done? If the latter, why would she feel it necessary at her age? Or...
On the website www.bringmadeleinehome.com Zoe Wanamaker has recorded a plea for her return .. does anyone know what the music is playing in the background, it is very haunting and I would love to find...
Does anyone know what it says on the notice on the TARDIS? It says something along the lines of "POLICE TELEPHONE, FREE FOR USE OF PUBLIC, ADVICE & ASSISTANCE, something..., IMMEDIATELY" Then under...
I'll miss this evening's Dr Who, and won't get home to try tape it. Is it repeated on any channel at all? Similarly (but sadder) the first episode of tonight's Any Dream Will Do
in my opinion was uncomfortable viewing! Playing that bloody song whilst Dot said goodbye to her fags and Bradley got emotional watching the Guinea pigs having a cuddle. Is their anything redeemable...
I know its a kids programme but is any else seriously freaked out but the odd ball characters in Riversea Fingal? I might not be the most politically correct but a blind fruit & veg guy, and why dont...
I have been wondering about Ken`s hair for a while now. He does still have a very full head of hair even at his age! Now I know that gives the producers a good excuse for his continual romantic...
Why is the film Elephant called that? i have just watched the film and cannot see why the film was given that title, would be very grateful to know the answer to this! many thanks x
Lindsay Lohan's dad claims that his daughter is addicted to a number of things including the painkiller OxyContin; it is often referred to as 'hillbilly heroin' and has caused a number of deaths...
On the BBC news at 5pm tonight there was a headline about why Cary,Catherine,Carmen and Miranda (/) could soon be on the screen again.I missed the item and can't get it on listen again,did anyone hear...
I', trying to capture or somehow record/download the flash movies that i sometimes see online. it never gives a link for download but is there any kind of software that allows youto capture it while...