Fern Britton... in The AnswerBank: Celebrity Gossip
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Fern Britton...

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NoleenColan | 14:21 Mon 09th Feb 2009 | Celebrity Gossip
26 Answers
Why can`t Fern just admit defeat and concede that she`s a natural fatty, she`s lost a few stone and gone down to a size 14..big deal, she looks awful for it

I`m now a size 8 and look fabulous for it

Why are women so obsessed with their weight?
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There is no way Fern is a size 14 or Coleen Nolan is a size 8.

Maybe they can say they are the sizes they are, where Lycra clothing is concerned, but Fern looks at least a 16 and Coleen at least a 12. I mean have you seen those knees and thighs in her Dancing on Ice outfits.

Why do women lie about their sizes, they always take a size off. I agree Fern looks awful, she looks gaunt in the face, which makes her look older, she should just accept her natural size.
P.S VHG, she looks normal in those pics, like a size 12, I doubt she was ever really skinny and it was probably inevitable she would grow huge after having children and getting older.
I agree with yous all - I can believe Colleen Nolan believes she is the weight she says she is. I still give her a good 16-18. I tape it cos I dont like Dancing on Ice but I want to see her in action. I pity her partner lifting that lump - I do be surprised he hasnt done his back in. Definitely 16-18 believe me - I have been size 10 right up to 24 so I know a size or so. I do know you look bigger on tv but I have taken that onboard.
I can't see being a size 8 is beautiful. You must have no shape no bust and skinny just don't look nice. Get up to a 12 or 14 then you can say you have a bit of a figureamd look nice.
I don't watch 'This Morning' that much, only recently after spending time in bed with the flu - Fern seems to wear tight lycra figure hugging dresses with low necklines everyday. That cream dress was hilarious! We can all see you have lost weight Fern, just polish up your wardrobe.

I don't know if these TV presenters have a say in what they wear (if they don't, they ought to !!).

I agree, she does look lined and drawn now she has lost weight.

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