Well - I beg to differ, OH and I watched, and we think he's really good. I've seen his last two shows and I like him. Just goes to show, comedy is up to individual tastes!
Are you saying that JB is Stan Boardman's son? I was not aware of that. He can be funny at times but he seems to want to be seen as a Liverpool comic rather than just funny.
Have to admit I haven't watched it but then I can't stand John Bishop's very strong accent. He's probably very funny but can't get passed that Liverpool twang. Can't do with Cilla Black either.
My reference to him being Stan Boardman's 'son' was sarcastic - if you Google Stand Boardman, you'll find a bloke with big teeth, curly hair, a strong Liverpool accent, and being about as funny as dysentary on a coach holiday!
The resemblence is uncanny - but not, as far as I know, due a a family connection!
The second is his accent. I find the Liverpudlian accent the most gratingly annoying accent we have, and Bishop's version is far too strong (I strongly suspect he exaggerates it).
I enjoy his show and think he's very funny. I also like that he comes out suited and booted. I would rather listen to his liverpudlian (sp) tones that Michael Mckintyre screaming like a banshee across the stage.
I agree with China & Andy - cant stand Michael McIntrye! I personally like JB accent but cant watch him every week - once in awhile is enough! He is quite funny though!
He was once on near me in the North West and made a joke about someone in the audience and they ended arguing and he stormed off the stage and that was the end of the show! I can imagine he could get a bit 'stroppy' :-)
I have to say I didn't see this programme, but I found the trailer so un-funny, it didn't sell the programme to me. I also find Bishop's accent almost a caricature, like he is putting it on.
I'm suprised to hear that yele, I wouldn't have had him down as the stropy type.
Mckintyre could be quite funny I think... if only he's stop talking likc mice on acid. He just ends up getting on my tits and I have to fade the sound of him out.