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Last night's ITV4...

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Bingo99 | 07:31 Tue 31st Jan 2012 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
Anyone know what was on at 9PM? Woke up and saw a text from a friend that said I should watch the programme on!



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The Fall Guy - series 2 episode 15. Tony Curtis as guest star.
Forgot to say: Use the Radio Times site, here:
or use AB's very own TV guide over there on the right (under the latest posts) >>>
to BOO - Unless, like me, you have Adblock turned on which doesnt show up that advert link?
my listing says that it was Paul McCartney talking about the Wings album Band On The Run
yes, I watched Paul McCartney and I'm pretty sure it was ITV4
Sorry I gave you what was on a 9am instead of 9pm. Sorry again.
Well you learn something every day Boo - I hadn't spotted that TV guide on the right > I tend not to notice the ads, but that is very useful :)

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