I'm flabbergastered there's no Brit chit-chat going on... One Direction winning.. really..? Ed Sheeran with his creepy 'neck beard', I could go on but feel that advice re prison sentencing and wireless stuff will over-rule.. I know my place... (retreats to the naughty step)...
I am sure its not a case of being over-ruled by other topics hippyhoppy. Sometimes there ain't a lot of ABers about interested in a particular subject.
Personally haven't a clue what the "Brits" are but good luck.
Yeah B00.. love Bruno Mars.. not a fan of Jazziness tho.. Coldplay *phew* be stilll my beating heart.. all in all a pleasant evening (which included me missing 90210) I'm sure I'll survive... (sky+ and a day off work are wonderful things!!)
Anyone else think what james corden said about rihanna was disgusting??
also cheek of him cutting adele off when he let damon albarn fart on for blooming ages!!!!
Ed Sheerans lyrics are genius, and one direction were radio choice so they won on votes. I was more amazed at some old has-beens that were nominated.. kate bush...bjork, dont know why Jason Donovan wasnt in there
well i personally think it was in poor taste as i don't think making jokes about a womans time of the month so openly purely to gain laughs is funny..just crass...