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Brian Blessed (Pointless Celebrities)

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Caribeing | 19:23 Sat 03rd Mar 2012 | Film, Media & TV
98 Answers
Brian Blessed and his daughter on Celebrity Pointless, he must be the most pointless celebrity, loud noisy unfunny, his daughter looked liked Nurse Emmanuel from Open All Hours.


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I agree with your sentiments Mary T. In the course of my work I have met hundreds of celebrities (and many thousands of people probably) and one`s opinion can only be formed from what we see on the surface. I`m sure Brian Blessed is a nice guy (one of my colleagues climbed Everest with him). I met the cameraman from that expedition too and he had good things to say...
20:46 Sat 03rd Mar 2012
Eh? I think one needs to look up the word prejudice.
no - prejudice is making up your mind *before* studying the evidence. Nox did the opposite.
Precisely, jno - going on evidence.
What evidence? I don`t see any evidence. Just opinions.
I've lost the plot here. How did we get from Brian Blessed being loud, noisy, and unfunny - to prejudice?
SJ before you get your knickers in any more of a twist about what I wrote about Mary T please understand I am not prejeudiced against any single user on here, I take each post from each user in isolation unless other posts by them are called for to back up something I have said. I researched Mary's posts to find out if she was isolated in her disilke of a single celebrity or as I remembered if she had previously posted a multitude of gratuitous posts disliking people in the poublic eye for everything from the way they dress to their weight.I don't feel I have been unfair and I am certianly not prejeudiced, she can think whatever she likes about whoever, but if she posts negative posts repeatedly she is bound to get negative responses from those who don't agree with her and who will question her motives for doing so.
Perhaps Nox, but not with the language and vituperation you use.
I'm with NOX - I'm not prejudiced against the OP, she may be a cheery person as she says, but she has made several negative-type posts about people in the public eye.
Precisely what language do I use that leads you or anyone else to think I am prejeudiced against a particular user shoota?
Maybe she doesn't like anyone in the public eye. Her choice I suppose.
Read your first post on here and reflect upon it Nox. Could you have made your point in a less combative manner?
I love his voice, the advert about the National Helpline (Underdog) with him and Joe Pasquale (sp?) is brilliant!
That post was direct, but not offensive. IMO.
It offended me.
If it offended you, you should report it.
Let's examine the facts:
called Arthur Miller and Woody Alan Ugly
said Kenny Dalglish looked loike a hobo
Called Gary Neville boring
Criticised Tess Daley's dress sense
Called Cat Deeley, Jenni Falconer& Victoria Beckham scrawny
Separately described Cat Deeley as looking anorexic
Called Jordan deformed and grotesque
Called Cheryl Cole ordinary
Criticised Mel B and jennie faulkners voices
Said LuLu had a little plastic face
Called Lesley Joseph a tart
Oh, and don`t presume that I get my knickers in a twist NOX. Funny though I haven`t been accused of getting my knickers in a twist since the 1970s. I`ve grown up since then.
Oh, for goodness sake! Stop being offended and pressing the report button at every opportunity! At this rate all we'll have is no discussion and a continual list of posts removed! This drives me nuts!! Grow up and argue your point!
Thanks, ZM.

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