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Michael Parkinson

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searchlight | 22:30 Tue 29th May 2012 | Film, Media & TV
41 Answers
Are parky's ads on telly in the papers and just about everywhere else for Sun Life Axa the most annoying ads ever?


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i m o too tony. grrr!!

Yes, but you are talking Parkinson, a man who used to think that cutting-edge popular music was represented by Marion Montgomery!!!!
Sorry andy I don't know very much about Jazz music, but I do know what I like to listen to, I have occasionally accidentally put his radio show on while driving and I couldn't change channel fast enough to any other radio show.
Parky owns a pub up in Surrey somewhere. Can't remember the name, but whenever you go there he is there, bustling around, and chatting away. I think he's lovely. And for that, I can forgive him that dreadful advert.
andy, just saw your mention of Marion Montgomery, Gawd she was bad I remember her from TV shows when I was a kid ( usually pretty late at night if I remember correctly ).
JJ, the pub he co-owns with his son is The Royal Oak in Paley Street, Berkshire.

It's OK but a bit up it's own backside, staff can be very snooty and not very welcoming. It also has far to many pics of Parkie for my liking.
Indeed tonyav - it will only be ABers of a certain vintage who will remember Ms Montgomery - she was about as dangerous and cutting edge as Westlife, but without the constant frisson of imiment riotous behaviour!
It's funny how your perception of someone changes as you get older. When I was a teenager, I couldn't stand Matt Monro, now, I think he brilliant!
LOL@ andy, what would the reason be for her to be on late at night on tv shows that hardly anyone watched ( even though there were only two channels ) do you think andy ?.
Not a great jazz fan myself. I just about remember MM on Parky's shows. Didn't he also have that very strange guy Jake Thackray on sometimes as well?
You don't hear much about his wife, Mary, now. Is she well?

Didn't Thackery base his career on the comic songs of some Belgian?
tonyav - I can only assume that Parky had considerable say in his 'musical' guests - so his derisible taste, which has only got worse, was, and still is allowed to run riot at the license-payers' expense!

Howard - in common with Sipowicz, I didn't comprehend Jake Thackeray at that time, but i do appreciate his music and lyrics now.
No. Those CSL sofa ads are.
Blimy now theres a name from the past Jake Thakray, yes Howard he was pretty strange looking thinking back.
Don't the foreign ads dubbed to English annoy you?
The Nicotin is bad (coming for a cigarette .. NAH (with not one syllable in sync)
As the Fabreze with the bloke sniffing the carpet.
Speaking of Jake Thackray - here he is with a classic tale of love and families ...
they've just released the list of most-complained-about ads

Singing with your mouth full, ugh!!!
I sky+ anything I want to watch and then I can just ff through the ads ..... simples.
Excellent andy, just how I remember him.
I had a quick scan of his entry on Wikipedia. It says he spent some time in France and became a fan of Jacques Brel. You can see elements of that style in his work now that were not obvious to me the first times I saw him many years ago. I have never got into Brel either.

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