Gutted it's the last one. It's been good hasn't it?
What I've found strange, though, is none of them have made any extravagant purchases. Ok, so the young girl bought that car which she can't drive, but that's about it. Oh, and the man who bought that Thai bride... hilarious!
I just find it odd how they've won 14 million and are still working at the hospital.
Haha oh, sorry. I thought the question mark meant she was checking she had the time right :-/
Exactly! The one guy was a blimmin porter for god's sake, and that woman (can't remember their names) seemed to carry on ironing other people's clothes?!
im sorry ladies, i put the question mark in case someone complained re posting without asking a question. i really want to know why the ward sister is blackmailing linda .
Linda stole the medicine and syringes from the ward, to drug her husband. Helen was then shunned when the syndicate she stopped paying into won a fortune. She then found out it was Linda stealing the stock, hence why she's blackmailing her - for money.
Yeah, I think so anyway? I'm sure she narrowed it down to two people, one of them being Linda. There was a text she read as well, wasn't there, but we didn't see that.
I think the whole story with the husband in the cellar was quite good. Well played.