It's unfortunate one needs the regeneration thing to account for new actors, but to arbitrarily change things like gender too ? Another stupid idea. Hey why not have him/her/it regenerate into a Silurian to go the whole hog while they are at it ?
Is it not time to change it to Doctor What (Whats the point of it ever since I was a child I did not like it and that last effort just proved me right )
Dr Who being played by a woman?!?
It would take all the credibility away from a character with two hearts, of indeterminate age, who can regenerate into a totally different 'shell', and travels through space and time in an old Police -box........
There is such a thing as artistic integrity. It would break the canon to have a female Doctor as the society of Timelords has a clearly established existence of gender roles. These things matter -- to sad people like me.