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redvanman | 10:57 Fri 11th Oct 2013 | Film, Media & TV
41 Answers
What did I say about mosque they are now doing under age force marriage's of 14 year old girls the government should start and close them down they are places o evil


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Cheer up, redvanman........
11:00 Fri 11th Oct 2013
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no one said it was legal, what they do in our laws is illegal, that does not stop it happening, that is the whole point - many kids in their communities probably do as they are told, if they do not there are consequences, losing your place in the community, possibly ostracised by your family, or worse, like some cases we have seen, murdered by a member of the family, for bringing shame, good grief
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Have you noticed, there are many religions throughout the world but mention the Muslim religion and it all kicks off, racist, integration, are we getting to the stage that we can not say what we and the country thinks? many people in this country are getting pizzed off by getting slated Racists but who is causing racialisum?
the government can say what it likes, it won't change a thing..,
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i don't know, i asked the same question on another thread.
I think he is sh------g himself knowing what the consequences are Fender, they have not got the balls to say enough is enough.
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Racialisum! pension! Have the EDL infiltrated AB?

Get your rayguns out!
Is this a TV programme?
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I don't think things get moved if they're in the wrong topic.
This one is probably best left where it is anyway :-)
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Mosque on wye
the latest soap

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