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No Sue Barker?

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vernonk | 20:16 Sun 15th Dec 2013 | Film, Media & TV
29 Answers
Why isn't Sue Barker hosting SPOTY?


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On a date with Cliff?
20:19 Sun 15th Dec 2013
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Even in this thread, there's anti-Murray feeling. He knows hes not widely liked and may fear not getting enough votes. Then he'd be glad he didn't show.
Inverdale is doing the show on Radio 5
Not watching but is Mandela getting anything?

After all the 1 minutes applause he got last week at football matches for "everything" he's done for sport I'd expect they'd have rustled up something
I want Murray to get it, if not, Ainslie............
Who was the poor lass with the gold shoes, who presented the Lions team. She looked as though she could hardly walk.
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Halfpenny, great player but looks like the village idiot.
Andy Murray, I thought Mo Farrar would get it.
So did the bbc know he had won it before us, as the trophy was there with him, or was that a copy?

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No Sue Barker?

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