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Disgusting Corrie.

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thejudderman | 21:01 Wed 19th Mar 2014 | Film, Media & TV
119 Answers
Is it just me or is Corrie becoming more like a gay porn movie every week?
Its disgusting!! What ever happened to the watershed?


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Ena run off with Martha's cat, jno.
Bondage dominatrix sado-masochism?
Or the "Gropers' Return' Zac?
Pixie, How do you know that? :-)
was ena gay ?
I was just thinking that about yours, Dave.
Oh. Wrong thread. Those are my plans for tonight. Sorry x
Double Bagger?
Pixie knows ;-)
Gawd. I'm outta here!
Do you think we could fix DT up with Minnie, Dave.
I don't think we want or need to know about your nocturnal activities, pixie!
-- answer removed --
Well I tend to agree - I'm getting really fed up with the current storylines too, especially the Marcus/Todd one.
Sorry- i was being silly
no need to be silly, pixie, we like it! offence meant :-)

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Disgusting Corrie.

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