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Katie Price To Divorce Again

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tezmand | 13:13 Wed 07th May 2014 | Film, Media & TV
63 Answers
cant believe this woman life only yesterday announced she was 6 months pregnant and today shes divorcing him cos hes been cheating with her friend


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She's reported to be worth 45Mill Jordy- so how rich are you? ;-)
She is a media ***, why else come out with crap like ...

Price happily talked about taking his virginity to the press, but the embarrassed singer initially denied it, accusing her of lying.

It was only a year later, he finally admitted she was telling the truth, saying: 'I was 17 years old and had just moved from Bradford to London when, to be honest, I was pursued by her.

Live by the sword ...
Was just reading about her being preggers again divorce ?? Rollercoaster she wishes shed kept old Pete now....she needs to take time out and have time without a man..concentrate on her children and being a mum...can't help feel sorry for her....and the children...
I feel sorry for her, to keep desperately looking for love and then to be betrayed by a long-standing best friend and a pig of a git husband.
Hope she doesn't have to pay any of the cheating ex'es any money.

I hope this time, she doesn't rush into another relationship and takes time to find the love and joy from being a mum to her children.
But is yours lumped or grannymilated ?
My last answer was for Jordyboy
She seems to be in a hurry to get married and have kids all the time at least Peter Andre seemed to be a decent father to his own kids. Her whole lifestyle is tacky.
poor old vinyl vera single again( i'll give it 10 mins) for the next poor sod to come along
-- answer removed --
I have no sympathy for this woman at all. rather than constantly having a man/boyfriend/husband in her life, might she get off the media and concentrate on her children for a while, I feel so sorry for her children who she and peter andre parade constantly on their tv programmes.

Her biggest fan x

Ps I may be a cunning linguist but I'm also a master debater.
Luckily --I think their kids seem to enjoy all the limelight too.
They come across as very happy children, full of laughs and giggles?
I agree with Eccles. I think she needs some time on her own to work out what she wants. Can't stand her, myself.
My sister has five children by three different dads. Virtually as soon as she got with each one she was pregnant. I don't understand it myself, how is a 'new' relationship supposed to work if you bring a baby into the picture? Fortunately Katie Price is financially sorted so at least that won't be a worry for her (and I am not being sarcastic) - maybe that makes it easier to end things so quickly.
I can't believe anyone is interested in anything this trollop does!
Yawn - when will she give up and become a lesbian?
Hi jordy!!! What's your number? ;-)
Lynda,,,its called celebrity gossip !
It's not - it's called 'what can I do now to get myself on the front page of closer/heat/now/new/star'
^ isn't that more or less the definition of celebrity gossip?

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