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Corrie..... How Long Before

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gina32 | 11:19 Sat 07th Jun 2014 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers
Rob gets found out do you reckon?


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I will drag on and on. I don't like the character so I won't be sorry if he leaves.
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and takes Tracey "luv" with him
^^^ we live in hope!
this drivel will drag till christmas......
slappy NO you don't watch it NO you cant!!
Too long! Can we also see Traceee-luv charged as a co-conspirator, a certain poetic justice that would be.
Might drag till they do a live anniversary show.
We haven't actually seen him do it, and there might be twist in the story as he is not due to be leaving yet.

I know he was seen hiding the jewelry and metal bar, but he could be covering up for somebody?

Regards, Colombo!
Well we saw him talking to Tina and when she threatened to tell Carla of her relationship with Alky, he grabbed the metal bar...and walk towards the victim, Columbo!
knowing the writers of these programs the storyline will drag on for months. this is one of the reasons i stopped watchingthem. i got fed up of the same old stories. Corrie used to be great and i watched every episode but the writing is so poor now.
I think the story lines are so bad in the three main soaps that people will give up watching. That will be a shame because they can do good stories if they try.
When is Ken coming back so as to take up the high moral ground position, on this decline in standards?
Well Eastenders are dragging the 'Who killed Lucy' storyline out until next February so knowing these soaps and the way they copy each other Corrie will probably do the same.
They will drag it out until they need a ratings boost I would imagine!
The storyline will drag on until the actor is leaving the programme - one way or another.

/// We haven't actually seen him do it, and there might be twist in the story as he is not due to be leaving yet. ///

I must have been watching a different programme or have been dreaming, because I am sure I saw him going towards Tina on the balcony and her falling over the rail, onthe ground he then saw her come round and get to her feet, I can't remember what was said between them, but I do remember seeing that he took the metal bar and hit her with it.
Well it's anything like the Rachel/Sam storyline in Emmerdale or the Lucy Beale in Eastenders we'll be lucky to see any results before Xmas.
i read somewhere it's a year before it all comes out ugh!
And why would an innocent man bury an iron bar?

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