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Tipping Point

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grumpy01 | 17:34 Sun 31st Aug 2014 | Film, Media & TV
17 Answers
Unbelieveable.How as that contestant won £10,000?He didn't know Robert Peel founded the Police or Slovakia had not been part of Yugoslavia.I know its a matter of luck but some people have answered all the questions not anything like that amount.


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Agreed, grumpy. I saw only the second half, but he really seemed to know very little indeed. Still, he's £10,000 better off, so I suppose he's happy enough :-)
17:51 Sun 31st Aug 2014
Was that on the celebrity version? I've long believed that the celeb editions of quiz shows are just one big fix. If not, it is annoying, but it's the luck of the draw.
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No just a normal edition.
Are we really so starved of so called 'entertainment' on TV that we are expected to watch tokens being knocked off shelves?

Yes , I did see this once, only once.
Hate the way Ben Sheppard, IMO, pretends to be so excited for the contestant. Doesn't come across as natural.
Agreed, grumpy. I saw only the second half, but he really seemed to know very little indeed. Still, he's £10,000 better off, so I suppose he's happy enough :-)
I watched it as well and thought exactly the same thing - I couldn't believe he got them 2 questions wrong !!
them 2 questions, eh :-)
At the risk of being accused pedantic, was it not Slovenia that was part of Yugoslavia and not Slovakia?
That wasn't the question, though.
Just re read the OP. I had missed out the word 'not'. My apologies.
In my opinion, them 2 questions were simple. I knew the answer was Robert Peel before the answers came up, but there were clues to both questions in the answers. The police were referred to as Peelers and Slovakia was once part of Czechoslovakia (the other country being the Czech Republic, even though it wasn't actually the question).
@ Obiter, I think the actual question was, "which of the following countries was not once part of Yugoslavia - a) Slovakia b) Montenegro c) Croatia.
Thank you, Gizmo. As I suspected, I read it as 'had been part of' and not 'had NOT been part of'.
I know someone who won the £10,000 he didn't know one of the questions (which was about lady Gaga the contestant was in his 60's) but Ben whatshisname prompted him into giving the correct answer. He had to wait 8 weeks for the money to go into his account though.
It is not a matter of general knowledge, it is a matter of if the token knocks the jackpot token off the bottom shelf.
They probably do know the answers but nerves kick in and the mind goes blank.
The winner usually can count on a couple of thou if they don't get the 10K. It's not like The Chase where more often than not there's no money.
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