Where can you decide to look for a long lost relative, go online, put a name in send a message get an instant reply meet an unknown relative and find out you may have a deadly heart disease all in 2 days?..... oh yes soapland. So far fetched but i still watch it!
I thought it was odd this week that Peter seemed to be in a critical condition in hospital a week ago but this week he was working out in the gym in prison
No one has mentioned that all of the houses in Corrie must have rubber walls. No matter how many people live in a house there is always room for more. Some of those two up two down houses must have six bedrooms!
Exactly, Supermike. In Eileen's house there are: Eileen, Todd, Jason and girlfriend and Sean -so four bedrooms? I don't think so. Incidentally, how can the toilets in The Rovers be on the right as you go in, when The Rovers is part of a terrace, and Joined onto No 1 Coronation Street? Actually, now there's even less possibility of the toilets being there, as I think the new set has a small alley between The Rovers and No 1 !
You can only visit a prisoner if the prisoner him/her self has applied for a visitors permit for you , you have to produce ID before you get in and only 1 adult per permit and only one permit per prisoner per month is allowed. Closed prisons ( which is most of them) have prisoners locked up in their cells 23 hours a day , up to 4 in a cell made for one. But reality does not make good 'soap operas'.
Any one remember 'Coronation Street Galloping Cancer' where a character goes from the first symptoms and diagnosis to death in 4 weeks ?
Or the one where a character got compensation for medical negligence in just two weeks from the incident?
Then there was the East Enders café which exploded and burnt to the ground only to be up and running 2 weeks later and even had the same tables, till and menu boards.
Eddie, I don't know where you got that information from.
Up to three adults can visit one convicted prisoner at a time.
A convicted prisoner is entitled to a minimum of a one hour visit every two weeks but it is usually one hour once a week.
You don't need a visiting order to visit a remand prisoner like Peter Barlow. A remand prisoner is entitled to seven 90 minute visits a week.
^^ Prison visits have got a bit more relaxed then since I worked in a prison, it was over 12 years ago though. I still think some jails have a stricter visitor policy though mainly due to lack of staff. The main point is you can not just turn up at a prison as if it was a hospital or care home, you need a visitor permit which has to be requested by the prisoner you are going to visit and then sent to you in the post. ( or has that become an online thing now?)