Big Dreams Small Spaces in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Big Dreams Small Spaces

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quizzywig | 09:36 Wed 22nd Oct 2014 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Although I am enjoying this new Monty Don series - the gardens are good especially last nights, I can't help wondering where (if at all) the people will be hanging out the washing or do they just use tumble driers. There is no room even for a rotary drier!
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You can get rotary type driers that attach to the wall and flip up when not in use.
My house overlooks 4 back gardens. 3 of the houses have more than one child in them. In 5 years I have never seen washing hung out in any of the gardens! I do wonder what poeple do with their washing... I love hanging mine in the garden and hate when winter comes and it's on clothes horses all around the house!
Quizzy....once I loved to hang out washing....now I have a bit of a thing about time.....

It takes too long.....and then it rains on it if I'm out....then I find it needs more ironing.....so.....

What can goes in the tumble drier and the rest on hangers in the utility room....

Maybe I'd think differently if I still had the big family wash.....☺
I live on my own, own a tumble dryer but you can't beat washing line dried. Smells fresh, needs little or no ironing and above all, costs nothing.
I tumble dry everything. Much easier, clothes dry soft not stiff and it cuts down on the ironing.
I line dry, but will pop in tumble drier for 10 minutes once they are dry. That softens them up.
On big dreams small spaces tonight, one couple had a rat in their compost heap, Monty said to put something in as rats hated it, but I missed what he said, anyone help please

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