I also like the ending.Although each series of The Syndicate has previously stood alone, I feel this one has the potential to run.I really hope so...a contemporary Upstairs Downstairs.
Tyler was in the first episode along with the rest of the Americans who were interested in buying the Hall....he was also very interested in Amy.
No-one like a smug git but I said from the start he was involved, my husband thought it was Spencer and I had a huge 'told ya so' smirk on my face at the end :)
The actors deserve an award for keeping straight faces while delivering such a load of old tosh. I'm honestly astounded that anybody thought it wasn't dreadful. Each to their own, I suppose.
In what way was it unfinished, Caran? The bad guy got nicked, strained relationships were patched up, new relationships begun, and everybody lived happy ever after. All a bit too twee for my liking.
I was disappointed with the ending as well Caran, and thought it a bit far fetched.
Disagree about Lenny Henry not being a good actor, I thought playing the role with somebody with Autism/Aspergers was excellent, as it reminded me of someone I knew to the tee.
The same reason some people watch car crashes, gina.
I enjoyed the first one, with Timothy Spall, so I was looking forward to this. Couldn't believe how bad the first episode of this series was. Then watched every week saying, 'This can't get any worse, can it?' But, imo, it consistently plumbed new depths.
Remember, this is a place where people give opinions. Seems I'm 'out-voted' on this one but it would be a strange, ABless world if everyone held/espoused the same views on everything. ;o)
Apparently not. To be honest I very rarely give the TV my undivided attention so I don't much care what's 'chuntering away' in the background.
Anyhow, after the first episode we had a thread on here where quite a few 'panned' it. However the majority liked it, so I was interested to see would they stick with it or turn against it.