>>> If you will report for me
Already done.
>>> would it help if I put the link into the space provided for You Tube
Almost certainly not. (Unlike Youtube, BBC content isn't authorised for embedding elsewhere, so AB's system is trying to do the impossible).
The only solution I know of is to use Tinyurl.com to change the URL (as I did above).
The basic problem with juvenile detention facilities probably has little to do with whoever is actually running them. As with all prisons (whether they're actually called that or not), finding the finance to run them properly is always at the very bottom of any Government's priorities (irrespective of which party is in power).
For prisons to do their jobs properly, they need to be staffed with as many psychologists, counsellors and teachers as there are warders. Then offenders will have the chance to quit drugs, learn to control aggression and develop worthwhile skills for future life.
However politicians know that to allocate monies to prisons will lead to the Daily Wail, etc, all decrying the 'waste' of public money on 'low-life'. Funds are always tight. Prisoners can't vote. Daily Mail readers can vote. So what do the politicians do? Take the easy way out, of course! (I repeat that what I've written applies to ALL political parties, so I hopefully can't be accused of political bias for once!).