Was the foreign bloke that was charged with grooming on the internet, found out by somebody (police etc) acting as a young girl, or somebody making a complaint?
Something that was said during his interview made me think that maybe it was a set up by an adult pretending to be a 14 yr old, but I don't think they said for sure.
I tell you what I thought was a bit dodgy;
The other bloke was obviously having treatment for his paedophilia. The police, who otherwise couldn't make a case against him, looked at his medical records and said they would use them against him. One policewoman even said, 'He's a paedophile, his confidentiality goes out the window'.
Obviously, I'm not on the side of paedophiles but should they not be able to talk, in confidence, to the people treating them?
I suspect that in most circumstances some confessions are considered free from any confidentiality right. But that should apply across the board. If paedophiles are singled out it may discourage them from getting help. Although they should be aware than confession is bound to result in the authorities investing. As for records, I thought one was not allowed to assume guilt based on having a past. Why would one be able to bring the records up when putting a case together ? Were that allowed every shoplifting crime must be by the same person. Ditto every murder. Etc.
I thought doctor/patient confidentiality still held sway. I'd have thought, perhaps, the police could get a court order in exceptional circumstances. Say, lives were at imminent risk.
Might start another thread, asking about this in 'News' where more people will see/contribute to, it.
I, sort of, wasn't giving it my undivided attention. But I'm sure they said, the fact he still found himself drawn to children could be presented in court to get him locked up.
Like I say, I'm no friend of paedophiles, but isn't it better for them to be open and honest and receive treatment. (not sure how effective such treatment is, that's for people who know more about these things)
Where would one draw the line, go to the re-hab clinic and arrest everyone for having used drugs?