Walliams in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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douglas9401 | 23:32 Tue 03rd Jan 2017 | Film, Media & TV
23 Answers
Does no-one have the 'nads to tell David Walliams that he's just not funny, no matter who his 'friend' is?
Punchlines approaching like a heavily laden goods train attached to ideas that Reg Varney and his conteporaries would have rejected.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I'm sure that one day he'll be featuring in an historical police investigation programme.
23:38 Tue 03rd Jan 2017
I don't watch him at all Doug,he is so over exposed, and yes not funny.
Is he on telly now?

I liked him in Little Britain, but can't bear him now.
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Like 'Silent Witness'?
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Oh sorry.
I can't deny he writes cracking children's books but there is something off-kilter about him, he makes my skin crawl.
Yes, I find him creepy.
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I thought he did quite well with Shirley Bassey.
I quite liked Walliams and Friend, but I'm not a big fan of his ...
I didn't get on too well with his recent '...and friend' run but do like him overall.
The one with Jack Whitehall was (imo) hilarious !
I'm not a big fan. I just don't find him funny, he makes me cringe.

Smarmy Geezer imho.
Don't know to much about him but like others who are pushed to much on the telly the public will go off them .when their little repetative talent is stretched .
I've not watched the friend programme......but I do like men who have a bit about them and aren't nasty and ***.....so he suits me fine.....x
Mmmmm......that was a the lady dog attitude some men have....x
If they are repeated gness, watch the one with Jack Whitehall, parts of it made me laugh out loud !
I'll see if I can find it to have a look.....thanks, HereIam....x

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