Yes Bazille just like she said he could trim her bush!
Mamya I loved it, Conleth was just like some of the old broads I have worked with and I laughed out loud at some of the comments.
The whole series is the weaker one, not a patch on the first one which was very funny. Maybe it's because they've taken it more 'out of the car', away from original idea.
I couldn't understand what Elsie was saying either.
I was trying to work out if she was a man or a woman. I now know the actor is male, but is Elsie meant to be a woman, transgender or anything else?
I'm a massive Peter Kay fan and love Car Share. I watched the Fancy Dress episode on the BBC iPlayer the other day. But I couldn't understand what was being said as there were no sub-titles to access. So I watched it again on BBC One with sub-titles! I wish I hadn't; this was the weakest episode out of all the ones I've viewed so far, in my opinion. All the others have been excellent, I hope it picks up again.