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Pointless Today...unreal

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janzman | 17:45 Tue 26th Mar 2019 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
Two sisters
Question...... Name any country in the world, the name of which does not contain the letters W-O-R-L-D

Sister one The Ganges
Sister two Alaska...... doubly wrong as there is an 'L'


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Brilliant. But this will never be beaten ...

Les Dennis: We asked 100 people to name something red.
Contestant: My cardigan.
Or a bird with a long neck---Naomi Campbell

But best by far was the Family Fortunes with something you would take on the beach with you----a turkey etc
Yes, but what about Tipping Point yesterday? Name a breed of brown horse that is also a type of window. Answer - Velux!!!!!
even ben couldn't hide his amusement at that answer
I am convinced Pointless celebrities and The Chase celebrities are scripted.
Having been in the audience for both of those, I am certain they are not.

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Pointless Today...unreal

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