What do you really think of the TV comedy series Fleabag? I know it’s trendy to love it, but I only find it moderately amusing....and quite depressing at times. Not what I’d call laugh out loud funny. You?
I never seem to catch anything until about season 7. The unemphatic titles never draw me in to check it out, and I only become aware of something worth watching once it's all over the Internet.
I loved After Life, and I usually love First Dates though the current series has been weak so far. My favourite comedy series is The Windsors on Channel 4. Line Of Duty is mostly great. I wish they’d bring back TOTP
Panem et circenses.
Remember those guys, who got you people out of your mud huts, built your roads?
It still takes very little to amuse, or at least distract, hoi poloi today.
Facebook, Twitter, etc, some stupid "reality" shows, & you're hooked.
Enjoyed the first series, then rewatched it ready for the second. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Modern, dark comedy, and more grown up than the likes of Mrs Brown or Ghosts, which could easily be remakes of 1970s sitcoms.