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Discusting Tv

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teacake44 | 10:55 Sun 18th Aug 2019 | Film, Media & TV
128 Answers
I don't normally bother watching films on TV any longer, its pretty obvious that producers have one goal in mind, to cram as much violence in as possible in the hope of capturing an audience.

In view of what's been happening in the news over the last few weeks, out of curiosity I watched what I knew would be a violent film, ( Dog Eat Dog ) Nicolas Cage, and it didn't disappoint as regards to the appalling violence at the very beginning, of a knife stabbing frenzy, along with a shooting, and the violence continued throughout the whole film.

The other film also I watched was ( The November man ) Pierce Bronson, again relied on knife stabbing, and continued violence. Is it a case of, you make your own bed, so sleep in it?
Also I think that Mary Whitehouse back in 1963/64 was very advanced in her thoughts, and condemned / opposing such violence on TV. These films are not doing us any favours getting violence into the minds of already unbalanced individuals, are they?? Your thoughts would be welcome.


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Teacake44 you are correct in your opinions re violent tv and films. People will argue with you and quote various statistical nonsense. The fact is monkey see monkey do. Though it does depend upon the monkey. Exposure to the sickening carp peddled as entertainment devalues moral integrity, and desensitisation is inevitable, I emphasis to some, people.
21:01 Sun 18th Aug 2019
// the vast majority of the population can tell between fact and fiction from a young age//

It's not the 'vast majority' who are doing all the damage, quite the opposite. It's the tiny minority.
In order to legislate for that tiny minority, we should ban all fiction with horror or violent content?

Do we include the News a documentaries?

There is every possibility that a number of this tiny minority already have a cruel and nasty streak that will grow regardless.
It's when young people begin to think violence is normal that the trouble lies.
The we are onto parental control and education, that's not the job of film makers.
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14.33 Even more so when they see a so called Hollywood star performing such violence.
Picking and choosing amongst all the statistics available is akin to picking out a new dress. You seek out the one which appeals to your taste.
Not picking as such but depends on the criteria - the site I linked to had a long term view, yours is over a shorter period.

I was purely guessing which Pixie meant.
Sorry, mamya, had an urgent call... yes, all those I found were similar x
No problem x
Films have age appropriate content, and when shown in TV, are shown at an appropriate time of day. The issue isn't with the studio or the director, it's with the parent if the viewer is a minor and the shop if they do not abide with the age laws
Do those who think violence on Film productions does not sow the seed in young minds may I ask if violent rape and other forced sexual acts inflicteded on women,and indeed men, that are portrayed in pornography do not sow the seeds in young minds.If it doesn't why have various governments attempted to stop on-line porn or restrict it in some way.Was this because violent sexual assault was rising I wonder ?
teacake - // So you get a kick do you Ken of someone getting their neck cut? //

And the So Rule rides again!!!!
I have been repying to the subject matter of this thread.

Violent pornography is not something I am very conversant with and is likely sought out by those with a power lust already in place, so in the wrong hands could indeed do damage to a vulnerable individual.
RC, hugely different creatures. Pornography is created to titillate the viewer, to make it seem that they're eavesdropping in a real life situation, and offer has the feel that you are doing something wrong by watching it. A movie is advertised as a fictional form of entertainment. Pornography needs to restricted, especially as its found on an open access media such as the internet.
teacake - I have read your increasingly hostile responses to the majority on here who clearly don't agree with your somewhat simplistic link between fictional and real violence.

As for Mary Whitehouse - it remains a mystery how a woman who made it her life's work actively to seek out television to complain about, yet mysteriously remained the only one immune to its influences - especially given the unnatural impulse to go looking for sex on television in order to lecture everyone else about its 'dangers'.

The simple fact is this - all forms of art and culture have at various times and various degrees been held responsible for the imminent end of civilisation as we know it.

If you think film gets a rough ride, try checking out popular music, which has been 'corrupting young minds' since Teddy Boys slashed cinema seats after being driven insensible by portly rock and roller Bill Haley and his incendiary rock-a-boogie devil's music.

Deciding that apparent misuse, as you see it, or a medium, is a reason to curtain its output is using sledgehammer to crack a nut.

You cannot unilaterally decide that one section of a cultural medium is destructive, and should be censored, that is not how a free society operates.
Thankyou Mamyalynne. That was about what i was expecting.
I understand the purpose of this thread
//These films are not doing us any favours getting violence into the minds of already unbalanced individuals, are they?? Your thoughts would be welcome.//

I believe my simple question corelates to violent films available on TV which are watched by minors and Ponography that can be surfed on line.
If the government deems ponography should not be accessed on-line then why do they deem that minors can watch violent films with less zeal. I appreciate we have Film census Boards but whatever guidance it gives and for whatever reason it gives it the film can and will be visited.
I do find a lot of modern films and TV programs too violent for me to watch, but then I had nightmares after being taken to a film version of Shakespeare's Richard 111 with the school!!
I do wonder if the constant violence young people seem to find in films, TV and computer games does have an adverse effect on some of them. I also feel that the increased use of drugs and/or alcohol can lead to violence. Of course there was violence in the past - I remember flick knives and Teddy Boys so, perhaps we need to look at the past causes of violence, in order to shed some light on the current increase in violence.

margaretom - // I also feel that the increased use of drugs and/or alcohol can lead to violence. //

There you are on far safer debating ground, since the link between alcohol and drug misuse and violence are proven beyond doubt.

But as far as alcohol is concerned, it is far too deeply and profitably woven into our culture to be taken away now - the sins of the few, increasing though they are, are not deemed sufficient to deny pleasure to the many.

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