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The War Of The Worlds

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emmie | 15:22 Sun 17th Nov 2019 | Film, Media & TV
58 Answers
by H G Wells is on this evening, BBC1 9pm, looks intriguing


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I googled War of the worlds as I couldn't remember the year the film was made, this is what up.
\\ 5.4/10
Rotten Tomatoes
Description Former cricket players are invited to share their experiences of the past World Cup matches.
Network: BBC
Director: Craig Viveiros
Adapted from: The War of the Worlds
Written by: Peter Harness

War Of The Worlds published in 1898 by H.G.Wells set in Woking Surrey, Jeff Waynes musical version released in 1978 narrated by Richard Burton
I'll record it.
sorry what a typo -of course it was H. G. Wells that wrote the book. Oh I wish there was an edit button on here.
I shouldn’t have watched it. I knew it would be rubbish. It would have been better if ‘they’ had called it by another name instead of cashing in on H G Wells’ classic.
Thoroughly enjoyed, I didn't analyse the similarity to the book.
I thought it was OK. Amy was annoyingly smiley and I didn’t care for the time-hop at the end.
My late husband and I bought the Jeff Wayne album in 1978 and loved it. I’m watching the programme now.
It's all a bit Doctor Who, but as I like Doctor Who, I can deal with that. I'm intrigued to see what direction they take it.

Not a patch on His Dark Materials though, which is only going to improve with armoured bears and Lin Manuel Miranda due next weekend.
Agree about His Dark Material, building nicely, layer on layer.
regarding this rendition of TWOTW, I'm sorry to say it didn't go down well here.
Watched it via TVNZ who aired it over 2 episodes.
Missed it. Did they manage to shoehorn any LGB miscegeny into it?
Pretty grim fare. Unmarried couple, disobedient dog, horse that understands English, comedy astronomer + camera, oh, and some Martians, possibly. Might even turn out to be a very oily biker gang time travelling in a Zorb ball.

I'm sure it's very clever but as I'm old-fashioned and not prepared to be spoon-fed any old rubbish I'll find something else to do when it's next on.
You could watch ITV instead Douglas. I`m a Celebrity Get me out of Here :)
Not since they replaced the fragrant Holly with a Lego figure. :-)
Why were all the workmen working on the path made by the object rather than digging it out the hole?
//Missed it. Did they manage to shoehorn any LGB miscegeny into it?//

The Màrtians are all transphobic Brexiteers who kill the humans by shouting "Will of the people" really loudly until they explode. You'd like it.
Long day and dozed off..............did I miss anything exciting? Is it worth watching on catch up?
Not a bad effort. It made a change. Suspended disbelief as and where required.
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it was as someone day rather Dr Who, will watch the other two parts and see

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