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Cannon and Ball

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hopalong | 21:06 Thu 24th Nov 2005 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers
Does anyone find this 'comedy' pair funny?


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I do! Always have, love them to bits, Rock on Tommy! (sad or what!)

I thought they were great. They're still going are they? Then, good for them.

Hi Foxy! How you doin? I havn't laughed out loud since I don't know when when Bobby Ball came on, magic eh?
I'm doin' fine, Dot. Are they on TV now?
foxy, they've just gone onto i'm a celebrity...!

back in the late 70's early 80's they were the top tv stars.i remember a mate of mine at school had rock on tommy braces !

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they're fantastic - I love them,they are by far the funiest of the 80's comedy duo's!!

only saw a bit of tonights celebrity but I loved it when they came on, proper laugh out loud stuff - reminded me of being 10 again!!!


hopalong - no I don't and never have.

I found Cannon & Ball even less funny when playing rugby back in the early eighties - (I'm Welsh, not an English Public-School Boy before you ask) - whenever there was a knock-on, some tw@t would keep on saying 'Knock-on, Tommy' -

Hilarious? Not half as much as when my boots found his teeth in the next ruck. ;o)

Good grief.

I agree with the implication of your apostrophes hopalong.

Not my cup of tea when they were on the telly, but I saw them once in panto in Sheffield.

I was about 18 at the time and was a typical arkward teenager,but i remember not being able to stop laughing.

It was the first time I actually knew what it was like when you split your sides laughing

As far as i'm concerned, they're great!

Sometimes not always
Compared to Morecambe and Wise, no.

Compared to Little and Large, yes.
Love 'em. Saw them a few years back at one of them Haven caravan camps ( Devon I think ) Absolutely brilliant. Think that wee Bobby Ball was the Main man though , bit like Morcambe was to Wise.
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I understand that Cannon and Ball write their own scripts. Only 5% is Cannon's scripts the rest of it is Balls
I would have if the parachute had failed :))

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