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Classic Corrie

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daz1969 | 14:29 Sun 14th Feb 2021 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers
A couple of questions about Classic Coronation Street if I can ask please?
The house that is now occupied by the Battersbys - I thought that was owned my Nicky (Nick) Tilsley (Platt) - but it appears to be now owned by the council - did I miss something, or when did this happen? Also where is Ann Malone? Thank you.


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I think that Don bought it from Nick and then it was repossessed because he didn't pay the mortgage.
The council then bought it.
Here Daz

/// Eve Steele, 48, from Manchester, played troubled supermarket worker Anne Malone between 1995 and 1998, before her character was unceremoniously killed off after being locked in a freezer at Firman's frozen foods.///

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