Is 25 Nearly 30? in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Is 25 Nearly 30?

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Mollyo777 | 20:31 Sun 05th Dec 2021 | How it Works
15 Answers
I’ve just turned 25 and my friend said I’m nearly 30, I feel so old :(
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Rounding 25 off to the nearest ten is 30!
I know someone who said under 25 was young, 25 was middle aged and 50+ was old.
But your as old as the woman you feel. Ignore your freind
Tell them or youself its also nearly 20 still
I remember when I was 28 I thought I was ancient but now 40 years later I know I am!
Welcome to The Answerbank, Molly.

There are plenty of people here who'd just love to be 25 (or even 30 or even 40, etc) again ;-). However we all still think that we're young anyway ;-)
When my daughter turned 39 I said she was in her 40th year, that didn't much please her!
Remember you have 3 ages
your passport/birth certificate
your head age
your mirror age

I prefer the head age, I realised today that I'm morphing into my late mother in law to whom everyone was t'owd chap. I mentally thought of a lady in church as 'the old woman' but she was possibly younger than me!
I don't think it is, you'd have to live another 20% as long as you have to get there, and 20% is a lot. (Like saying you were nearly 90 when you were actually 75).
23 to 25 is early twenties, 26 to 28 is mid twenties, 29 to 32 is late twenties ...
Your ex-friend now, possibly LOL
I am in my very late forties - forty-eighteen to be precise
At least you still have all your teeth if thats you in your avatar, nightmare
25 or 30, you are young and have a full lifetime in front of you.
My grand children believed I was 28 for years until one of them asked me how I was that age when his father was over 30. Rumbled.
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When I say is it nearly 30 I don’t mean scientifically or mathematically I just mean if someone told you they were 25 would you think they are nearly 30
^^^ er - no, maybe at 28 or 29.

At 25 you probably have 70 years of living left.
At 75 (me) I probably have 11 years left.

Wanna swap?

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