Anybody else watching this wonder why Harpreet’s business arrangement with her sister is now an issue.Surely if it was an issue it should have been sorted in the beginning.I hope she wins.Doesn’t Claude look ill.
no idea why he let Harpret through, he saw the potential problems with her sister etc but them seemed to ignore them. TBH all their business ideas look pants to me. The best candidate in my opinion was Aaron who went out last week not sure what his business plan was though.
Overall TTT it has not been a good series this year.Usually when you get down to the last few the winner becomes quite obvious but this year given their business plans it has not been so.
I hope so too MallyH.I am mystified as to why so much emphasis was placed on her relationship with her sister.Surely this must have been looked into before the interview stage was recorded.I wonder if it was done at the request of the BBC to “beef up” an otherwise underwhelming programme.
I know the format is different but on Dragons Den although they make an offer to various entrepreneurs there follow several months of due diligence.Indeed some of the investments never happened after that had taken place.
grumpy: "I am mystified as to why so much emphasis was placed on her relationship with her sister.Surely this must have been looked into before the interview stage was recorded." - yes but they may have hoped she'd get fired before then. The problems arise because the sister would have to be booted out on her ear probably with some compensation then later if the business boomed she'd be aggrieved causing all manner of familial and possible legal issues. I think Lord S was worried about that .
Actually I think the show is a lot of orchestrated rubbish these days with dreadful contestants and the girls all look like TheStepford Wives. But we'd still watch it just to moan about it. I wouldn't offer any of them a job, let alone an apprenticeship. The show was originally good and now should be binned.
Dire contestants this year. The eventual winner is usually obvious, but not this time. I think best of a bad bunch is Harpreet - with or without sister. I think the bossy black guy who was in the boardroom many times would beat all four girls hands down. I also think his departure was postponed because LS really liked him.
I think they should go back to the original format of giving the winner a job in the Sugar empire. This whole business plan thing was particularly bad this year. They are primarily making a TV show but at the same time Lord S must make sure a viable business emerges for his investment and out of this lot I don't see any of their plans as viable. Look at the final, desserts or pyjamas! what a choice!
Paul, I took and instant dislike to Harpret but TBF the other finalist isn't much better but I think her pyjama idea, poor though it is, has more chance than Harpret's desserts. I mean more chance in the business world she still has to win the final.
Several weeks ago now Francesca got fired.When he fired her he said “I had high hopes for you.”Which makes me think they must scan these business plans.