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What was this kids tv programme?

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lola jax | 17:26 Tue 20th Dec 2005 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
It would've been late 80s early 90s and it was a drama for kids I think on bbc1 it involved a sundial and I remember it being quite scary...when I was ten! But it was a good prog as I remember...


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did it have a girl in it called minty and a chimney sweep type urchin ghost in a large old stately home?
Wasnt it a moondial? If it was I remember the programme, and loved it

If it was, it was called.....


Yes it was the rather brilliant Moondial.
yeh Moondial! with the lovely Minty, what happened to her I wonder?

I loved Moondial. It was filmed at Belton House, near Grantham, where the writer Helen Cresswell also lived (nearby). I actually got engaged in the graveyard, though it wasn't to last!!

Looking back, Moondial is very similar to the 1972 Lionel Jeffries film "The Amazing Mr. Blunden" - see here and they share many similarities - being confronted with two children from the past; all set within a garden of a mansion; the children in the past are in danger; time travel etc...

Sorry, just had to mention the film, it's my favourite film of all time!! :)

It was called Moondial I think - the main character was called Minty.

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