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Fao Bobbisox

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elliemay1 | 22:44 Thu 06th Jul 2023 | Film, Media & TV
37 Answers
I was interested in answering your post on Ellie Simmonds but there is no Answer Box


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It's ok Bobbi, it's there now, must have been something wrong with my laptop
^^^ If the answer box temporarily disappeared, it's possible that a moderator accidentally clicked on 'Close this thread' and then they (or another moderator) subsequently reopened it. It's happened before!
Or, far more likely, that a mod completely abused their authority and closed the thread without and notion of their rights as a moderator on this site. As Chris says, it's happened before.
Ok Jim, don't get out of your pram!!!
Jim, the 'Close this thread' icon is very large and very easy to tap accidentally when scrolling. Th
There is no pop up box asking for confirmation.
So closing a thread is the easiest option for a Moderator?

That's sad:-(
I don't understand your post, ozzy.
The options are ban the Aber, suspend the Aber, close the thread (any mod can then re-open it) or do nothing.

If a mod bans or suspends the Aber only the ABeds can reverse it.
So why are you sad?

Barry - Mods are requested not to re-open closed threads - we have no way of knowing who closed a thread, or why, and if Mods did re-open threads, they would be yo-yo'ing open and closed all day and night.

There was a recent instance of a Mod reopening a thread in order to insert their own observation on it, and said Mod was quite rightly called out for abuse of privilege.
I agree Andy, I was just pointing out that the option is there if a thread is mistakenly closed whereas banning or suspending needs the ABEds to take action if necessary which could takes days over a weekend.
Barry, mods can unsuspend people.

It is easy to close a thread accidentally especially when using a touch screen.
This is, in effect, a thread about a closed thread.

I mention this only to give experts a chance to tell me how it isn't, actually.
Oh - I haven't suspended anyone. I have accidentally closed a thread and re-opened it, as you say (and I said further up the page) it is very easy to do
Barry - it is, I just did exactly that!

As pointed out, it is easy to hit the button if you are using a mobile, I will raise the point on the Ed's blog.
It just needs a confirmation pop up.
Can someone then kindly tell me where my recent answer has disappeared to , on here not more than 5 minutes back?
If not then I’ll repeat it.
This is happening frequently now, the removal of the answer facility of a pretty much innocuous threads as mine was , then magically put back?
This was always done when a thread got out of hand to stop it descending into a bun fight but it’s happening more and more now !
Indeed Barry - I have suggested same on the Ed's Blog.
The problem has been highlighted before.

That’s exactly what it needs, Barry. It’s the only function mods use that requires only one action.
Bobbisox, there’s nothing to indicate an answer has been removed here. Are you sure you pressed the post button?
Now two threads about a closed thread.

The great and the good have their own ways.

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Fao Bobbisox

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