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Fao Bobbisox

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elliemay1 | 22:44 Thu 06th Jul 2023 | Film, Media & TV
37 Answers
I was interested in answering your post on Ellie Simmonds but there is no Answer Box


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08-02, Well I certainly didn’t press the delete button so I guess we will never know
Awww, come on, Douglas. There is a removed post question there to balance this thread out. It’s not all one sided. ;o)
You can see nothing has been deleted, bobbisox.
I said ‘I’ didn’t delete it to my knowledge , but in the grand scheme of things ,who cares? I’ve repeated anyway
Great. You’ve sorted it.
Hang on, is Bobbisox1 a moderator?
Yes and so are you with your ‘I’ll have the last answer if it kills me ‘ ;0)
Oo-er! Bee in your bonnet, bobbisox?
Haha Douglas, never gunna happen, a Moderator ( I thought) is someone who shows neutral approach to posters , I have enemies albeit in different user names , lots of , so I wouldn’t be very neutral would I ? Haha
Bobbi, if a post has been removed, it states that in the thread. Everyone can see a post has been removed.
There is not a removed post in this thread
So what's for dinner then?
Morning Lcg, Spagbol , was going to be last night but I didn’t have an onion :0(
Ok Barry, too trivial to bother about
You didn't have an onion? That is scandalous.
I’m disgusting,no onions, we settled for a fish finger sarnie, twas yummy ;0)))
What's the weather like with you all today. Was dry earlier but now it's raining here. Baked tattie with cheese and beans for lunch.
No rain, sunny intervals and like I said Spagbol ,thanks for asking ;0)

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Fao Bobbisox

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