Oppenheimer in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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maggiebee | 10:28 Thu 03rd Aug 2023 | Film, Media & TV
25 Answers
Has anyone been to see this film? Went yesterday and thought it was fabulous. Having said that I'm sure I missed bits so would like to go back and have a second watch. Cillian Murphy was his usual wonderful self but looking very gaunt having lost so much weight to play the part. Star IMO was Robert Downey Jnr as Lewis Strauss. A long film but kept me riveted.
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Yes it is brilliant and several Oscars must follow, including Murphy. Special shout out to the original soundtrack, which is awesome.
10:55 Thu 03rd Aug 2023
I haven't been to the cinema for a long long time, but I would watch this if it comes on Netflix etc.
Yes it is brilliant and several Oscars must follow, including Murphy.
Special shout out to the original soundtrack, which is awesome.
Has anybody seen the 1980 tv series version?!
Hi Maggie, went to see it yesterday. I was expecting a bit more about the bomb, and less politics. It was riveting, but like you I would like to watch it again. Openheimer seemed to be ahead of his time in more ways than one, though. He was already thinking about SALT with the Russians, but obviously in those days it was not the correct opinion to hold. An amazing, thought provoking film and totally agree with you re. Robert Downey Jr. Big Boy was dropped on Hiroshema on my Dad's 8th birthday.
I haven't seen the film - very difficult for me to get to the cinema - but I was riveted by the documentary on BBC about Oppenheimer in the Storyville strand. Its available on iPlayer and I thought it was excellent. I am 91 and although I lived through the events of 1946 I had no idea at all about the rest of his life. Sad and shocking. A real eye opener.
//Has anybody seen the 1980 tv series version?! //

Yes, and it was excellent. Sam Waterston took the lead, and he played the part brilliantly.
Thanx blubster, i think I can get it off tube, it's in 7 parts.
I'll probably wait till its on sky but definitely looking forward to watching it. CM is so versatile I just know he'll do a great job.
fun fact, did you know that in the Hiroshima bomb there was 64kg of U235 but only 1kg was actually converted to energy?
21.03 fun fact and Hiroshima bomb in the same sentence doesn't sound right to me, just saying.
Strange, those I know who have seen it have described it as slow, ponderous, and boring, however there was a good series about Oppenheimer and the bomb shown I think on one of the documentary channels recently that combined dramatic reconstruction with actual footage, it felt quite recent and seemed well researched
link for the soundtrack
fun factoid
the monitoring plane broke down and only a hand shakey film record exists ( of hiroshima)

the neutron meter was so bad - no result is the best outcome. It was lost and then found in a garage 50 y later, and the experts said " this rig wont measure diddly squat!" - which is why I think it was lost for 50y
Rowan - maybe you're thinking of the BBC Storyville documentary I posted about earlier 13.23 Excellent and definitely not boring.
Rosie, you could well be right, it was quite compelling
There was a film called Shadow Makers with Dwight Schulz in 1989.
The title comes from the "shadows" of vaporised people left on concrete etc.
I wondered if the fire paintings Yves Klein arose from that imagery
Fun fact: "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds" - is grammatically archaic and correct and actually a quote from Hindu scripture.

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