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Of All The Bars In All The Towns In All The World......

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ToraToraTora | 14:26 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
21 Answers

The classic Casablanca is on BBC 2 at 14:45 - Just a service I provide. This'll probably get remove because the title isn't dull enough.



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Are you having one of you "Oh woe, I'm always getting victimised by the admins" moments again Tora?

Prefer The Maltese Falcon, but you can't go wrong with Bogey.

It's nothing to do with the title.

Stop whinging, TTT, how old are you? 7?


At least you got it in the correct section 😂😂😂

14.51  Nah!   He's at least 10 judging by some of his posts.

Gulliver and TTT are peas in a pod.

I think I'll do a  'no' on  that one

It's my party, and I'll winge if I want to, winge if I want to, winge if I want to.
You would winge too if it happened to you !

“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine” 

This is the original line!

Naomi 15.05 "Gulliver and TTT are peas in a pod" And you Naomi and your fellow mods are... Mods in a Pod..

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no idea about the nastiness just thought it was something of interest.

Must Agree Casablanca was a classic in it's time.

It's Amazing that not one single clip from the film was even filmed in Morocco.


Why is that amazing Gully. Not one single shot from Star Wars was filmed in outer space.

I recorded it and also Spellbound, watched the latter and will watch Casablanca tomorrow maybe.

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15:05 seriously? the man can't even do links let alone independet thought. He never debates, never answers a follow up....chalk and cheese more like.

At one point in the war, the big three announced another summit in Casablanca. Bob Hope said they'd been to Casablanca more times than Humphrey Bogart.

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20:54 next you'll be telling me the Spaghetti westerns were not filmed in the US!

it's "gin joints" not "bars"

One of them was filmed in Spain.

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