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102 Minutes That Changed America

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pastafreak | 23:14 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
23 Answers

On More4 now...but also on YouTube...real time, minute by minute coverage of 9/11 in NYC. No voice over or narration. It's all film from bystanders and witnesses. Quite harrowing, but worthwhile viewing. 



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The worst thing is knowing the second plane is coming

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To me the worst was knowing the buildings would collapse. 

I could not watch that.  I saw more than enough on the day and during the weeks that followed.

Incredible documentary.  Thankyou for the recommendation.

I was in New York shortly after it happened.  Utterly devastating.

That must have been an unforgettable experience Naomi. What many don't realise is that it's an ongoing tragedy, far more have died after 9/11 than died on the day itself as a direct result of the attacks.  I work with a mesothelioma group and the sheer amount of people who have died and are still dying as a result of that dust cloud is absolutely staggering.  You may be able to find the figures online, I'm not too good at locating things these days.  But I think it was something like double and the number grows every year.

This film should be mandatory viewing for every high school student, along with the holocaust.  Lest we forget.

...and people wonder why I am concerned about Islamification of the west.

Spungle, I posted something in News yesterday about the number of firefighters who have since died from related illnesses.

Re the dust cloud and deaths, it was on the BBC yesterday Spungle.  I couldnt believe it. As of December 2023, 6,781 of those who were registered with the programme have died from an illness or cancer linked to their time near or at Ground Zero after 9/11. It is more than twice the number of people who died on 9/11.  Hopefully someone can make this link work.

Sickening that there are still thousands suffering right now because of the evil acts committed by a few that day.

Sorry Naomi I crossposted on this.

Thankyou for posting the link.  I didnt see yesterdays post about the thousands still dying.  I agree with what you say Sinead about the education of young people.  We can't let history repeat itself.

I agree too.  It's vital.

It will happen again as long as we keep pussy footing about with Islam. No doubt somewhere the next attrocity is being planned as we speak.

How many people died because America reacted as it did and went for the wrong people? (If they were wrong people). Who was behind 9/11? I'm asking because I don't know. Who did America target? I'd be interested to be told by informed ABers.

Probably a question for a new thread Atheist.  But you must have heard of Osama bin Laden?
The mastermind behind the attacks, who admitted to his role in orchestrating them?  

Spungle. Where did Osama bin Laden come from? Who did USA attack in revenge?

 My son escaped because that day he had to go  and work in another office a few blocks away. Sadly a lot of his colleagues didn't make it .This disaster didn't only change America. It changed the world.  

In answer to atheists question, OBL came from Afghanistan and was taken out by US forces from his base in Pakistan. 

Osama was born in Riyadh to the aristocratic bin Laden family. He studied at local universities until 1979, when he joined the Afghan mujahidin against the Soviet Union

saudi -  but the Saudis didnt like him

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