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F A O ...Trekkies, Gromit Et Al

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ToraToraTora | 17:36 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers

T O S is being run from the start at 5pm weekdays on Legend from Tommorrow....

Channel 148 on Sky........

The last one is on right now, they loop round again so from 5pm tomorrow.

Please don't respond just to troll if you don't like it, your choice, I'm not interested in snide comments.



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I watched TOS on YouTube last year.  It was very enjoyable.

I am currently watching Stargate Atlantis on Prime/MGM and enjoying it very much.


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One of my favourite shows when I was a kid, a bit dated now but not badly so. I can remember the 70s when it was a prime time.

I am not sure if I watched it when it first came out.

However, when I started work in 1980 I had to try and get away early one night per week to watch it.  I watched TNG and DS9 and some of Enterprise but haven't watched any of the new series that have been made.

I enjoyed Stargate SG1 and Atlantis and Atlantis is something that I can watch over and over again.





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It was first aired in UK in July 1969, ironically a week before Armstrong set foot on the moon. I first saw it in the early 70s.

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did you doubt it mushroom?

They had those amazing 'communicator' devices.

If only we had something like that now.

// did you doubt it mushroom? //

not at all. i remember it being broadcast on a saturday after Grandstand, so I looked it up.

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yeah it started with ep 3 "Where no man has gone before" which missed out the pilot "the cage" with Jeff Hunter as Pike and of course the first 2 episodes with Kirk "The man trap" and "Charlie X".

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